Detta anche del Convento perché officiata fino al 1880 dai Frati Minori, prima del terremoto era una delle più antiche e ricche E’ certo però che fu edificata subito dopo il terremoto assieme al Convento. Il 16 luglio 1880, per la legge dell’incameramento dei beni religiosi, il convento e la chiesa passarono in proprietà del Comune. Il convento fu trasformato in Municipio, e la Chiesa, dopo essere stata affidata dal Comune al sacerdote Alfio Giansiracusa e successivamente al sacerdote Francesco Cimino, fu comprata dal sacerdote Prof, Francesco Caffo, che la consegnò al Vescovo di Noto

Also known as the Convent because it was officiated until 1880 by the Friars Minor, before the earthquake was one of the oldest and richest. It was certainly built immediately after the earthquake together with the Convent. On July 16, 1880, by the law of the confiscation of religious goods, the convent and the church passed into the property of the Municipality. The convent was transformed into Town Hall, and the Church, after being entrusted by the City to the priest Alfio Giansiracusa and then to the priest Francesco Cimino, was bought by the priest Prof, Francesco Caffo, who handed it over to the Bishop of Noto